Den grønne linjen er antall smittede over 60 år, som har avtatt i takt med vaksinering.

Israel er verdens mest effektive land til å vaksinere befolkningen mot koronaviruset. Per 23. januar har de vaksinert hele 38 prosent av befolkningen med minst én dose. Det er milevidt foran alle andre. Norge har vaksinert 1,38 prosent av befolkningen.


Israel is currently leading the global vaccination drive, with nearly 39 per cent of its citizens having had at least a single dose of a jab so far. In comparison, the UK has administered 8.9 first doses per 100 people, the US has given 5.8, with France giving just 1.4

Nå gir vaksineringen resultater. Blant de over 60 år som ble vaksinert i perioden 18.–24. desember, har antall smittede sunket med over 60 prosent. Også antallet som må innlegges på sykehus, har sunket i samme gruppe.


Israeli healthcare group KSM Maccabi Research and Innovation Centeron on Friday said coronavirus infections had plunged among people aged over 60 who had been vaccinated Pictured: KSM's graph showing the fall in infections and hospitalisations. The blue line represents the rate of infection in the general population; the green the rate of infection among those who had been vaccinated in December, and the yellow line showed the hospitalisation ate among those who had been vaccinated

KSM noted that there was a 'significant decrease within the vaccinated members aged 60+', reaching a decrease of around 60 per cent in new infections. They added that there was also a 'decrease of slightly more than 60 per cent in the number of new hospitalised patients'

Lørdag begynte Israel også vaksinering av tenåringer i alderen 16–18 år.

Daily Mail

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