A few days before inauguration day and a day before Martin Luther King Day, Charles Ortel sees no chance of healing in a deeply divided USA. Again he invokes the words written by the father of the American Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson: «…our rights shall revive or expire in a convulsion.»

Those very words are found in the book Notes on the State of Virginia (full text on this link), published in 1782.

From an advertisement of the book in 1787: 

THE following Notes were written in Virginia in the year 1781, and somewhat corrected and enlarged in the winter of 1782, in answer to Queries proposed to the Author, by a Foreigner of Distinction, then residing among us. The subjects are all treated imperfectly; some scarcely touched on. To apologize for this by developing the circumstances of the time and place of their composition, would be to open wounds which have already bled enough. To these circumstances some of their imperfections may with truth be ascribed; the great mass to the want of information and want of talents in the writer. He had a few copies printed, which he gave among his friends: and a translation of them has been lately published in France, but with such alterations as the laws of the press in that country rendered necessary. They are now offered to the public in their original form and language.

To find out what Charles Ortel sees in this quote, you have to see this week’s edition of Dagsorden International.


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We would also like to recommend our viewers to subscribe to Charles Ortel and Jason Goodmans show, which is on air every Wednesday and Sunday.

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