Hillary under Demokratenes konvent 19. august 2020. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

I en kronikk i Washington Post skriver Hillary Clinton at det å reise riksrettssak mot Trump ikke er nok. Problemet er hvit supremasisme, hvit herrefolksmentalitet. Hvis amerikanerne fikk valget mellom «hvithet» og demokrati, så valgte de «hvithet», hevder Hillary.

Hillary driver sitatfusk for å få Trump til å fremstå som en stormester i Ku Klux Klan:

Trump ran for president on a vision of America where whiteness is valued at the expense of everything else. In the White House, he gave white supremacists, members of the extreme right and conspiracy theorists their most powerful platforms yet, even claiming that there were “very fine people” among the torch-wielding militia members who converged on Charlottesville in 2017.

Hvis man tror noe slikt, får man et problem når 74 millioner amerikanere stemte på Trump. Da er det dem det er noe galt med, slik Hillary sa i 2016, da hun kalte halvparten av Trumps velgere for «depolarables».

Hillary mener at USA lider av «hvithet», og det høres verre ut enn under raseskillet på 1950-tallet.

America is plagued by a group of citizens who value “whiteness” more than “democracy,” Clinton alleged. She cited a book praised by Oprah Winfrey framing the U.S. as built upon a racial “caste” system:

In Isabel Wilkerson’s new book “Caste,” she cites a question from historian Taylor Branch: “If people were given the choice between democracy and whiteness, how many would choose whiteness?” Wednesday reminded us of an ugly truth: There are some Americans, more than many want to admit, who would choose whiteness.

Dette er en ekstrem retorikk, men fordi den deles av mange, møter den ikke motforestillinger. Middle America krymper seg, men blir nå utestengt hvis de opplater munnen.

Det som skjedde i Kongressen sist onsdag, kom ikke overraskende på dem som følger med, skriver Clinton.

It’s sobering that many people were unsurprised by what occurred last week, particularly people of color, for whom a violent mob waving Confederate flags and hanging nooses is a familiar sight in American history. Consider what we saw last June, when Black Lives Matter protesters peacefully demonstrating in Lafayette Square were met with federal officers and tear gas. If the first step toward healing and unity is honesty, that starts with recognizing that this is indeed part of who we are.

Hillary går inn for en mye strammere sensur på internett. Det som har skjedd, er bare begynnelsen, mener hun.

Removing Trump from office is essential, and I believe he should be impeached. Members of Congress who joined him in subverting our democracy should resign, and those who conspired with the domestic terrorists should be expelled immediately. But that alone won’t remove white supremacy and extremism from America. There are changes elected leaders should pursue immediately, including advocating new criminal laws at the state and federal levels that hold white supremacists accountable and tracking the activities of extremists such as those who breached the Capitol. Twitter and other companies made the right decision to stop Trump from using their platforms, but they will have to do more to stop the spread of violent speech and conspiracy theories.

Hillary har fått verktøyene til å disiplinere the deplorables: Twitter, Apple, Google og Amazon har hennes velsignelse.

On Saturday, Clinton praised Twitter’s banning of Trump.



Hillary Clinton: Impeaching Trump Not Enough to ‘Remove White Supremacy from America’

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