Sean Hannity sa det: Noe er galt her. Vi er landet som oppfant Apple og Microsoft, vi har Silicon Valley. Likevel klarer vi ikke å telle opp stemmene i et valg. Brasil gjør det på et døgn.

New York er blant de verste. 13 dager etter valget er stemmene fortsatt ikke talt opp. Hvis man lurer på hvorfor over halvparten av velgerne tror dette valget ble utsatt for svindel, så er det bare å se på disse tallene.

The New York Times released their latest look at the election data from the state and found that only 84 percent of the estimated vote total has been processed, and there is a large fraction of outstanding votes in multiple counties.

By the Times’ estimation, only 56 percent of the votes have been reported from Weschester county, 60 percent from Manhattan, 64 percent in Queens, and 74 percent in the Bronx. The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson noted that this data comes nearly two weeks after Election Day.

Political observers from both sides of the aisle are wondering why the count has taken much, much longer than a New York minute:


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