Trumps valgkampleder Bill Stepien (bildet) sier de har god grunn til å be om omtelling i Wisconsin. Det har vært flere irregulære hendelser.
“There have been reports of irregularities in several Wisconsin counties which raise serious doubts about the validity of the results. The President is well within the threshold to request a recount and we will immediately do so.”
Hvis forskjellen er på mindre enn en prosent har man automatisk rett på omtelling.
Med 95 prosent av stemmene talt opp, leder Biden med drøye 20.000 stemmer.
Men delstaten har nå offisielt blitt utropt til Biden.
Trump reagerte tirsdag kveld på at man fant Biden-stemmer i alle de viktige vippestatene:
”They are finding Biden votes all over the place — in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So bad for our Country,” Trump wrote on Twitter Wednesday.
“Last night I was leading, often solidly, in many key States, in almost all instances Democrat run & controlled,” he tweeted. “Then, one by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted. VERY STRANGE, and the ‘pollsters’ got it completely & historically wrong!” he wrote earlier.
Trump campaign says president will ‘immediately’ request a recount in Wisconsin
Lær alt om klimasaken og hysteriet rundt den. Kjøp Kents bok her!