FBI-seglet i hovedinngagen på hovedkvarteret i Washington. Foto: Yuri Gripas/Reuters/Scanpix

Donald Trump varsler at flere kinesiske kontorer i USA kan bli lukket. På konsulatet i San Fransisco skal en kinesisk militær skjule seg som slapp inn i landet på falske premisser.

Trump sa onsdag at man på konsulatet i Houstson trolig brent hemmelige dokumenter.

The president also referred to the fire observed at the premises of the Houston consulate, saying, “I guess they were burning documents or burning papers, and I wonder what that’s all about.”

David R. Stilwell i New York Times kommenterte at konsulatet var beryktet for å være et spionrede:

Stilwell said the Houston consulate “has a history of engaging in subversive behavior,” and was the “epicenter” of the Chinese military’s efforts to steal American research, the NY Times reported.

Det skjer flere ting som viser at USA mener alvor med Kina. To kinesiske hacker ble tiltalt tirsdag for hacking i USA. Mike Pompeo sa USA nå vil håndheve reglene på en helt annen måte enn før.

“President Trump has said, ‘Enough.’ We’re not going to allow this to continue to happen,” Pompeo told reporters on July 22. “We are setting out clear expectations for how the Chinese Communist Party is going to behave, and when they don’t, we’re going to take actions that protect the American people.”

He added, “That’s the actions that you’re seeing taken by President Trump.  We’ll continue to engage in those.”

Konsulatene i USA spiller åpenbart rollen som en slags kommandosentraler og havner for kinesere på spionoppdrag.

The Chinese consulate in San Francisco is harboring a visiting Chinese researcher, after the person was interviewed by the FBI over concealing her ties to the Chinese military to obtain a visa, according to a court document filed on July 20.

Tang Juan, a researcher at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis), was charged on June 26 with visa fraud for making false statements on her visa application for a J-1 non-immigrant visa, which is issued to individuals participating in work-and-study-based exchange visitor programs.

Amerikanske myndigheter ønsker å gjøre noe med kinesisk spionasje og tyveri. De har flere andre saker liggende der militært personell har kommet inn som forskere.



San Francisco Chinese Consulate Harboring Wanted Military Researcher, FBI Says

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