Princeton-universitet har bestemt seg for å fjerne tilknytningen til president Woodrow Wilson pga hans angivelig rasistiske tanker og holdninger. Det forkynte leder av universitetet lørdag.
Christopher Eisgruber announced the institution’s decision in a statement published on the school’s website. He cited Wilson’s “racist views and policies” as the main factor in the decision.
«The trustees conclude that Woodrow Wilson’s racist thinking and policies make him an inappropriate namesake for a school or college whose scholars, students, and alumni must firmly stand against racism in all its forms,” the statement read.
Store politiske ledere har satt spor etter seg i de fremste utdannelsesinstitusjonene. Hvis disse nå skal renses etter nåtidens normer, kan det bli mange tomme sokler.
Man kan ligne dette med en autoimmun sykdom: Kroppens forsvarssystem går til angrep på en selv.
Det er et renhetskrav ute og går som gjør at et college med studentboliger ikke kan bære navnet Woodrow Wilson om det så bare er for to år.
The Wilson College was set to close in two years following the construction of two new residential colleges, but Eisgruber did not want to make students “identify with the name of a racist president” during that time.
Denne utrensingen minner om hva som skjer etter revolusjoner, som i Iran da sjahen ble styrtet.
Universitetene trenger tidligere studenter som finansielle støttespillere. Det er ikke sikkert at alle er med på ferden.
A prominent Princeton alum reached out to Fox News, saying: “Chris Eisgruber had until now been a rare academic leader willing to stand up against the woke leftist mobs overrunning America’s college campuses. In the minds of many, his name was synonymous with academic freedom and rigor.»
“Now he’s just another campus coward, too terrified of the mob to make rational decisions. I’m furious about this, even though Woodrow Wilson was a terrible human being.”
Princeton drops Woodrow Wilson’s name from school due to ‘racist thinking’