Åstedet for terrorangrepet i Forbury Gardens i Reading den 21. juni 2020. Foto: Peter Nicholls / Reuters / NTB scanpix.

Khairi Saadallah, som lørdag drepte tre personer og skadet to i Reading i det politiet kaller en terrorhendelse, var kjent for Storbritannias innenlandske etterretnings- og sikkerhetstjeneste MI5, opplyser BBC

The man held on suspicion of killing three people at a park in Reading was known to MI5, security sources say.

Sources told the BBC he is originally from Libya and came to the attention of MI5 in 2019.

Security sources said the suspect came to the attention of the security services after they received information he had aspirations to travel abroad – potentially for terrorism, according to the BBC’s home affairs correspondent Dominic Casciani.

Andre kilder opplyser at destinasjonslandet var Syria.


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