Ingen symboliserer fremvekstsen av oligarkiet i Vesten bedre enn George Soros. Fra å ha vært en rik mesen som fremmet demokrati Øst-Europa er han blitt en mørk kraft som finansierer alt som kan undergrave vestlige samfunn. Han legitimerer at folk med mye penger kan subvert/velte/ den demokratiske viljen. Corporate America følger nå i hans fotspor. Med så mye makt og penger kan de stjele valget fra vanlige mennesker. Bildet er tatt 19. juni 2019. Foto: Lisi Niesner/Reuters/Scanpix

Betegnelsen Corporate America betyr alle de store kjente merkene: Cisco, Disney, Lego, Starbucks, Microsoft, Google, Facebook etc. De har en ting til felles: De gir alle penger til Black Lives Matter og lignende organisasjoner.

Det er nesten ikke til å tro. Til sammen har de gitt 454 millioner dollar, rundt 4,5 milliard til et prosjekt som tar sikte på å rive ned det Amerika vi kjenner og erstatte det med noe som kan bety kaos og anarki.

$454 Million: Corporate America Floods Social Justice Causes with Cash amid Floyd Protests

Som om ikke det er nok: Mange av selskapene forventer at også deres ansatte skal gjøre som dem: Gi penger til den gode saken.

George Floyds død er gjort til en enorm hammer  og den som har en hammer ser seg om etter spikre å bruke den på. Et uttrykk sier at man da synes alt ligner på spikre,  og det er det man nå gjør: Man ser rasisme over alt. Norske kommentatorer betrakter USA på avstand og sukker over USAs historie. Men det er ikke historie Black LIves Matter forholder seg til. Det er en fiksjonalisert historie, en historie de har bruk for.

At store selskap gir penger til denne galskapen sier noe om at noe er fundamentalt galt i USA, og feilen ligger ikke hos Trump. Den ligger hos Demokratene, anti-Trump-mediene, Hollywood, Silicon Valley og aktivistene i Justice Warrior, som føler de har rett til å ta alle midler i bruk.

Den liberale eliten har skapt et monster og det heter ikke Trump.

Her er lederen i CHAZ, Black Lives Matter-området i Seattle:

For noen år siden gikk serien The Wire på HBO, om politiets kamp med de kriminelle i den svarte ghettoen. Nå har ghettoen spredt seg utover hele samfunnet og en av rapperne kan leve ut sine fantasier.

Og Corporate America finansierer galskapen. Vi må slutte å tro at de vet hva de gjør. De er fanget opp i noe de selv ikke ser begynnelsen eller slutten på. De forstår ikke konsekvensene av det de har begitt seg ut på.

Some businesses are donating to controversial bail funds like the Minnesota Freedom Fund that seek to bail out protesters and rioters.

Here is a list thus far.

Sony Music—a fund “to support social justice and anti-racist initiatives around the world”—$100 million

Walmart—a new racial equity center—$100 million

Warner Music—campaigns against violence and racism and social justice causes related to music industry—$100 million.

Nike—“Organizations that put social justice, education and addressing racial inequality in America at the center of their work”—$40 million

Alphabet/Google—various organizations, starting with $1 million each to Center for Policing Equity and Equal Justice Initiative—$12 million

Amazon—American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Foundation, Brennan Center for Justice, Equal Justice Initiative, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Bar Association, National Museum of African American History and Culture, National Urban League, Thurgood Marshall College Fund, United Negro College Fund (UNCF), Year Up—$10 million

Facebook—“groups working on racial justice”—$10 million

Target—long-standing partners such as the National Urban League and the African American Leadership Forum in addition to adding new partners in Minneapolis-St. Paul and across the country—$10 million

Verizon—National Urban League, NAACP, National Action Network, Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights, Rainbow Push Coalition, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund—$10 million

United Health—YMCA Equity Innovation Center of Excellence and Minneapolis-St Paul businesses—$10 million

Goldman Sachs—donor-advised fund to support “leading organizations addressing racial injustice, structural inequity and economic disparity”—$10 million

Spotify—matching employee donations—$10 million

Disney—organizations that advance social justice—$5 million

Procter & Gamble—NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, YWCA Stand Against Racism, and UNCF; also smaller organizations that mobilize and advocate, such as Courageous Conversation—$5 million

Hvis noen hadde sagt at Goldman Sachs skulle gi penger til «frigjøring» ville det blitt møtt med hoderysting og vantro. Men nå står de på listen.

Selskapene er ideologisk knyttet til Obama, men har profitert økonomisk på Trump. De er i ideologiens vold, og tar feil av ideologi og økonomiske interesser. Det er en feilslutning som vil koste dem og Amerika dyrt.

Cisco—Equal Justice Initiative, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Color of Change, Black Lives Matter, and a Cisco fund for fighting racism and discrimination—$5 million

Lego—organizations supporting black children and educating all children about racial equality—$4 million

Microsoft—Black Lives Matter, Equal Justice Initiative, Innocence Project, Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights, Minnesota Freedom Fund, and NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund—$1.25 million

Starbucks—“Organizations promoting racial equity and more inclusive and just communities” nominated by employees—$1.25 million

Intel—support of efforts to address social injustice and anti-racism across various nonprofits and community organizations, and encouraging employees to consider donating to organizations focused on equity and social justice, including the Black Lives Matter Foundation, the Center for Policing Equity, and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, all of which are eligible for Intel’s Donation Matching Program—$1 million

McDonald’s—unspecified—$1 million

Uber—Equal Justice Initiative and Center for Policing Equity—$1 million

Duke Energy—nonprofit organizations committed to social justice and racial equity–$1 million

The Travelers Companies—organizations such as the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, the National Urban League, YWCA Minneapolis, and the We Love Midway fund established by the St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the City of St. Paul–$1 million.

Warby Parker—organizations “combating systemic racism”–$1 million

PwC Charitable Foundation—NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Dream Corps, ACLU, and the Center for Policing Equity—$1 million

Glosser—$500,000 to various organization that are focused on combating racial injustice, including Black Lives Matter, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and We The Protesters; also an additional $500,000 in grants to black-owned beauty businesses—$1 million.

Etsy—$500,000 to the Equal Justice Initiative, $500,000 to Borealis Philanthropy’s Black-Led Movement Fund, and match any employee donations—$1 million.

Yelp Foundation—Equal Justice Initiative and NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund—$500,000

H&M—NAACP, ACLU, and Color of Change—$500,000

Levi’s—$100,000 to the ACLU and $100,000 in grants to Live Free USA—$200,000

Lululemon—the Minnesota Freedom Fund—$100,000


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