Samantha Shader (27) forsøkte å brenne fire politifolk med en molotovcocktail i New York søndag.

Toppsjef for anti-terror i New York-politiet, John Miller, sier Antifa hadde forhåndslagret våpen og utstyr og plottet inn målene de skulle angripe.

Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller said there is a high level of confidence within the NYPD that these unnamed groups had organized scouts, medics, and supply routes of rocks, bottles and accelerants for breakaway groups to commit vandalism and violence. There are strong indicators they planned for violence in advance using at times encrypted communications, he said.

Miller sier gruppene også hadde organisert innsamlinger som kunne kjøpe eventuelle arrestanter fri mot kausjon.

Her sister, Darian, 21, was arrested after she allegedly attempted to interfere with her sister’s arrest. She faces obstruction of governmental administration and resisting arrest charges, officials told the paper.

Disse gruppene har begått grove voldshandlinger. Samantha Shader (27) kastet en molotovcocktail inn i en politibil hvor det satt fire politifolk. Det var bare en tilfeldighet at den ikke antente.


Samantha Shader, 27, of Catskill, New York, allegedly tossed the makeshift explosive into the marked police vehicle parked at Eastern Parkway and Washington Avenue in Crown Heights, Brooklyn around 1:12 a.m, as a night of destructive protests over the killing of George Floyd winded down, federal prosecutors said.

The bottle shattered two of the vehicle’s windows as four cops sat inside — but the gas inside did not ignite, the feds said in a criminal complaint released early Sunday.

Samantha bet en politman i benet da hun ble arrestert. Hennes søster Darian (21) forsøkte å hindre arrestasjonen.

Her sister, Darian, 21, was arrested after she allegedly attempted to interfere with her sister’s arrest. She faces obstruction of governmental administration and resisting arrest charges, officials told the paper.

Miller sa de brukte speidere på sykkel til å finne ut hvor politiet ikke var, og dirigere folk dit for angrep.

Selv borgermester Bill de Blasio sa de har kartlagt anarkistenes bruk av sosiale medier og vil offentliggjøre deres kommunikasjon.

En av de som ble arrestesrt var hans egen datter, Chiara. Hun var med å blokkere trafikken i downtown New York.

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