Hongkong og Taiwan er de virkelige suksesshistoriene i kampen mot corona-viruset, ikke Kina. Hongkong har ikke registrert ett tilfelle på tre uker og det synes på strendene. 3. mai. Foto: Tyrone Sin/Reuters/Scanpix

Det amerikanske valget kommer til å handle om forholdet til Kina, slår Maria Bartiromo, programleder for Sunday Morning Futures på Fox News fast, i samtale med senator Lindsey Graham.

“I mean, I believe this election will be about China,” Bartiromo said. “Most people understand what has taken place here. And President Trump has changed the conversation on China.”

Graham påpeker at Demokratene fremdeles ikke vil snakke om Kina, bare Trump. Det kommer de til å tape på.

“So look at this — the Democrats have impaneled a group to look at Trump, not China,” Graham said. “President Trump has made very good decisions, very hard calls consistently. Not one Democrat has come forward with any idea to hold accountable China for killing over 60,000 Americans by withholding information about the virus and putting 30 million Americans out of work because that’s what we had to do to save probably a million lives.

“Not one Democrat has come forward with an idea to hold China accountable,” he added. “China is the problem, not Trump. Democratic Party, step up. Don’t give China a pass.”

Kinesisk propaganda gjør ikke jobben med å skylde på Trump lettere for Demokratene. Folkets Dagblad skummer av indignasjon og sier USA bryter folkeretten ved å bruke ord som Wuhan-virus.

Av en eller annen grunn mener Kina at de har rett til å stille USA i skammekroken.

“U.S. Practice to Claim Compensation for COVID-19 Outbreak a Shame for Human Civilization,”

Bakgrunnen er alle røstene i USA som vil at Kongressen skal gjøre en lovendring slik at private og selskaper kan saksøke Kina. Hvis Kongressen gjør en slik endring kan det bli svært dyrt for Kina. Kina eier amerikanske statsobligasjoner for 1 billion dollar. De er utrygge hvis loven går gjennom.

Delstatene Missouri og Mississippi vil anlegge sak mot Kina. Det vil også Nigeria og her kommer et annet moment inn som er svært dårlig reklame for Kina: Den rasistiske behandlingen som afrikanere har fått i Kina. Afrikanere er blitt kastet ut av sine hjem med et kvarters varsel.

Outside of America, however, other countries are considering similar action. Last week, the Nigerian law firm Azinge and Azinge announced its intention to bring to court a lawsuit against the state of China seeking $200 billion in damages as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and the extensively documented acts of racism against black people in China.

Retorikken i Folkets Dagblad lyder som et ekko av Mao:

“U.S. politicians blatantly violated the rules and called the novel coronavirus ‘Chinese virus’ and ‘Wuhan virus.’ While the international society is generally lauding China’s contribution made at huge sacrifice, they are forming cliques for blackmailing,” the People’s Dailyaccused. “What they have done is an affront to international law and justice. The terms about sovereign immunity in the international law stipulate that the practices and treasure of a country are not bound to the legislation, jurisdiction or administration of other countries.”

“Blatantly trampling upon the sovereignty of other countries and damaging the international rule of law with supremacy, the U.S. is standing on the totally opposite side of international justice,” the column, signed under a penname that implies it is the opinion of the People’s Daily itself, read.


Graham: ‘Not One Democrat Has Come Forward with an Idea to Hold China Accountable’


Chinese Media: U.S. Must Listen to ‘Civilized World’ and Stop Questioning Communist Party

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