Ifølge en parlamentsrapport bor det 400.000 illegale bare i bydelen Seiine-Saint-Denis. Mange går på gata fordi sosiale tjenester ikke fungerer.

Fransk politi har sitt svare strev med å håndheve karantenereglene i innvandrertunge bydeler i Paris som Seine-Saint-Denis. Forsøk på bøtelegging risikerer å føre til oppløp.

A man guarding a local pharmacy told newspaper Le Temps that many of the residents do not even believe the virus is a threat to them at all

“They do not understand anything. Some even say that this virus is a fable of whites to force them to desert the street,” the man said.

Other areas of Seine-Saint-Denis also saw people gathering, including a local shopping centre where a number of minority teenagers chatted with each other, some wearing masks, others not.

Police say that enforcing the law in the area is “impossible” and that if they try to impose the 135 euro fines they would not be able to contain the potential backlash, and that the risk of a crowd forming would only increase the chances of spreading the coronavirus.

“We are not going to give up. But we also know where these people live and how they live. Strict containment, for them, is just impossible,” an officer explained.

On Wednesday it was reported that 10 per cent of all the fines for breaking the quarantine in France were given in Seine-Saint-Denis, per Fabienne Klein-Donati, the public prosecutor of Bobigny.

Det har vært opptøyer i London. At Sverige ikke har lukket skoler slik nabolandene har, kan skyldes at de frykter sosial uro.

Paris No-Go Zone Police Overwhelmed Attempting to Enforce Quarantine



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