Dømte medlemmer av en «grooming gang» i Huddersfield.
Til tross for at grooming og seksuelle overgrep på barn i England antar epidemiske dimensjoner, nekter myndighetene å avdekke hvem som står bak. Det «har ikke offentlig interesse», heter det. Hensynet til overgriperen veier igjen tyngre enn hensynet til offeret. Når får den vanlige mann og kvinne nok?
Nesten 19.000 barn ble i løpet av tolv måneder i 2018-19 utsatt for seksuelle overgrep av såkalte grooming gangs, viser tall fra britiske myndigheter. Fem år tidligere lå tallet på ca 3.300, og man snakker nå om en epidemisk utvikling av slike overgrepssaker. Det er den britiske avisen The Independent som skriver dette.
Allikevel mener flere med kjennskap til grooming gangs at de reelle tallene er langt høyere:
Campaigners say the true figure is far higher and accused the government of failing to tackle child sexual exploitation, despite promises made after high-profile cases in Rotherham and Rochdale. […]
Sarah Champion, the Labour MP for Rotherham, said the figures show that grooming “remains one of the largest forms of child abuse in the country”.
“Too many times, government has said it will ‘learn lessons’, yet 19,000 children are still at risk of sexual exploitation,” she told The Independent.
Sarah Champion måtte i 2017 trekke seg fra Corbyns skyggeregjering etter å ha skrevet et innlegg i The Sun med bl.a. følgende tekst:
British Pakistani men ARE raping and exploiting white girls… and it’s time we faced up to it.
BRITAIN has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.
There. I said it. Does that make me a racist? Or am I just prepared to call out this horrifying problem for what it is?
For too long we have ignored the race of these abusers and, worse, tried to cover it up.
No more. These people are predators and the common denominator is their ethnic heritage.
Da tidligere innenriksminister Sajid Javid i 2018 varslet at myndighetene ville gå «head on» og undersøke hvorfor et flertall av overgriperne hadde pakistansk bakgrunn, måtte han imidlertid ikke gå av for å peke på en kjent årsak:
Sajid Javid has ordered an investigation into why members of sexual grooming gangs are disproportionately from a Pakistani background.
The Home Secretary said the controversial move would explore the «particular characteristics» of offenders in order to prevent cases like those suffered in Rotherham, Telford and Newcastle.
In December, The Independent was told that the work had been completed but would only be used for internal policy-making and would not be publicly released.
In response to a freedom of information (FOI) request asking for the research carried out and any reports drawn up as a result, the Home Office confirmed it held the information but would not release it.
In a letter to The Independent, officials said they had applied a “public interest test” but the information was exempt from the act because it concerned the development of government policy.
“One of the main purposes of the exemption is to protect the ‘safe space’ necessary for ministers and officials to consider policy options in private without risk of premature disclosure,” it added.
“Disclosure would risk pre-empting decisions still to be made by ministers. In addition, the information could be misleading if made public and used out of context.”
Sir Humphrey Appleby fra «Javel, statsminister» kunne ikke avsluttet brevet bedre selv:
The letter added: “We recognise that this topic in general and any insight and learning are matters of strong public interest, although it does not necessarily follow that it is in the public interest to disclose any specific information relating to it.”
George Orwell hadde dessverre så altfor rett da han sa: «The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.»
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