Journalisten Sarah Fields har kilder langs grensen som forteller henne at Hamas har hatt treningsleir i Mexico. Da fikk hun besøk av FBI. To ganger. Fields tror de vil forsøkte å presse henne til å røpe sine kilder. Men i likhet med andre journalister stoler ikke Fields på FBI.
Det har lenge vært en erkjennelse av at Biden-regimet med vitende og vilje slipper millioner av illegale inn i USA, uten kontroll. Flesteparten av dem er unge menn i våpenfør alder.
Amerikanerne stoler ikke lenger på myndighetene og tror de har ondt i vente.
America needs to wake up. Thousands of sleeper fighters are in our backyard and the Biden Administration is not only aware, they’re complicit. The attack on Israel is only the beginning. Get your households in order.
FBI dukket første gang opp uanmeldt på hennes bopel 17. oktober. Da var hun ikke hjemme.
They wanted to speak to me about certain stories I have reported on (with special interest regarding anything war or border related) and the only conclusion I can come to is that they would like access to my sources. They also told me they were “uncomfortable speaking about these topics on the phone”. I did not meet with them.
Fields sier noen av hennes kilder kunne risikere å komme til skade hvis identiteten deres ble avslørt, særlig i forhold til kartellene. Hun stoler ikke på FBI:
The FBI is corrupted beyond repair and you will never see me cooperate with them. Right now, they’re acting like a desperate guy who got turned down and has now turned stalker. If the FBI is reading this, kindly stick it.
Det er blitt en allmenn oppfatning blant befolkningen at FBI er korrupt.
Likevel stemte 70 Republikanere i Representantenes hus nylig for å bevilge 375 milliioner dollar til et nytt FBI-hovedkvarter. Mange mener at FBI ikke lar seg reparere, men må oppløses.
I’ve been debating on whether to share about this or not. But because they showed up to my house unannounced AGAIN today, I decide to go ahead and let you all know. The FBI showed up to my door unannounced on October 17th. I was not home and I won’t share the whole video for the…
— Sarah Fields (@SarahisCensored) November 7, 2023
Sarah Fields skriver:
Due to the fact that they are not leaving me alone, and have decided to show up at my home unannounced several times, I want everyone to know about this. If they decide to take things further, I’m going to need help. I also want everyone to understand who these people are, and who they are beholden to. They should be working on releasing the Epstein list, not harassing investigative journalists in East Texas.
FBI har utarbeidet en metode hvor de knekker folk økonomisk. Det kalles: Prosessen er straffen. Fields har derfor skaffet seg advokatbistand.
Fields la ut denne meldingen 7. oktober, og det var den som fikk alarmen til å gå hos FBI:
For years, in Matamoros, Mexico, directly across the border from Brownsville, Tx, Hamas had a training center. Once a large factory, the building was used to train young, military age men. Dressed in all black, these men would wait for the river to be low enough to cross over the border and illegally infiltrate the US for further training. Hamas has training camps in Mexico, and has for a long time.
Thousands of jihadists have crossed the border and disappeared into the US. Some given rooms and cell phones (courtesy of your tax dollars). Many have been flown to multiple cities through out the United States including Hartford, Tampa, Atlanta and Houston. The majority that travels into this country illegally are not women and children, they are military age men.
For years, in Matamoros, Mexico, directly across the border from Brownsville, Tx, Hamas had a training center. Once a large factory, the building was used to train young, military age men. Dressed in all black, these men would wait for the river to be low enough to cross over the…
— Sarah Fields (@SarahisCensored) October 8, 2023